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Artificial intelligence meaning, advantages, disadvantages and future.......

Hi How R u my dear friends. Today i am giving you information about artificial intelligence.

I will give you clear information about below mentioned topics

What is artificial intelligence?
How it is works.
Advantage and disadvantages of AI.
What is the future of this technology.

What is AI:
Artificial intelligence is intelligence displayed by machines, in contrast with the natural intelligence displayed by humans and other animals.

How does it works:
There is no exact  way in which artificial intelligence works. One of  definition of AI is when a computer can solve a problem that normally requires a level of intelligence. Over the past 60 or so years, many different approaches to solving a wide variety of problems have been discovered by AI researchers. For example, games can now be played by computers such as Chess etc. It works by examining many thousands of chess board configurations, to see the future result of making particular moves. Another example is expert systems, which solve problems in areas such as medicine and engineering by duplicating the problem solving performed by real human experts. Other problems are more difficult. For example, making computers read and communicate in English is very challenging, and is far from solved.

Advantage of Artificial intelligence
Jobs - depending on the level and type of intelligence these machines receive in the future, it will obviously have an effect on the type of work they can do, and how well they can do it (they can become more efficient). As the level of AI increases so will their competency to deal with difficult, complex even dangerous tasks that are currently done by humans, a form of applied artificial intelligence.

Increase Our Technological Growth Rate: following on from the point above, AI will potentially help us 'open doors' into new and more advanced technological breakthroughs. For instance, due to their ability to produce millions and millions of computer modelling programs also with high degrees of accuracy, machines could essentially help us to find and understand new chemical elements and compounds etc. Basically, a very realistic advantage AI could propose is to act as a sort of catalyst for further technological & scientific discovery.

They don't stop:As they are machines there is no need for sleep, they don't get ill , there is no need for breaks or Facebook, they are able to go, go, go! There obviously may be the need for them to be charged or refueled, however the point is, they are definitely going to get a lot more work done than we can. All that is required is that they have some energy source.

No risk of harm - when we are exploring new undiscovered land or even planets, when a machine gets broken or dies, there is no harm done as they don't feel, they don't have emotions. Where as going on the same type of expeditions a machine does, may simply not be possible or they are exposing themselves to high risk situations.

Act as aids - They can act as  24/7 aids to children with disabilities or the elderly, they could even act as a source for learning and teaching. They could even be part of security alerting you to possible fires that you are in threat of, or fending off crime.

Their function is almost limitless - as the machines will be able to do everything (but just better) essentially their use, pretty much doesn't have any boundaries. They will make fewer mistakes, they are emotionless, they are more efficient, they are basically giving us more  free time to do as we please.

The Disadvantages for Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Over reliance on AI - As you may have seen in many films such as The Matrix, iRobot or even kids films such as WALL.E, if we rely on machines to do almost everything for us we have become so dependent, that if they were to simply shut down (or even decide they want to give up this working gig) they have the potential to ruin our economy and effectively our lives. Although the films are essentially just fiction, they still present a real possibility if we become too heavily dependent on machines. It wouldn't be too smart on our part not to have some sort of back up plan to potential issues that could arise, if the machines 'got real smart'.

Human Feel - As they are are machines they obviously can't provide you with that 'human touch and quality', the feeling of a togetherness and emotional understanding, that machines will lack the ability to sympathise and empathise with your situations, and may act irrationally as a consequence.

Inferior - as machines will be able to perform almost every task better than us in practically all respects, they will take up many of our jobs, which will then result in masses of people who are then jobless and as a result feel essentially useless. This could then lead us to issues of mental illness and obesity problems etc.

Misuse - There is no doubt that this level of technology in the wrong hands can cause mass destruction, where robot armies could be formed, or they could perhaps malfunction or be corrupted which then we could be facing a similar scene to that of terminator…. Robot

Ethically Wrong? - People say that the gift of intuition and intelligence was God's gift to mankind, and so to replicate that would be then to kind of 'play God'. Therefore not right to even attempt to clone our intelligence.

Future of AI:
Artificial Intelligence (AI) a big threat to humans.The new technology will create a lot of successful people, interesting careers but, honestly, every new technology will create social problems.The AI, Big Data is a threat to human beings. The AI and robots are going to kill a lot of jobs, because in the future, these will be done by machines. 

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